

Lever年龄 your accounting skills into a career in data analysis

Going from accountant to data analyst can be a logical career change for those looking to lever年龄 their experience in accounting 和 finance into a broader role in analytics. 虽然会计师可能专注于财务, their skills in analyzing large sets of data 和 numbers are applicable to the daily duties of a data analyst. Not only can you work with similar skillsets as a data analyst, but you can also broaden your potential career paths as analytics professionals often have a wide variety of job possibilities to choose from.

请放心, if you are questioning whether a degree in accounting is right for you 和 you’re considering a career path in data analytics, 软件下载有你做决定所需的资源.



The common denominator with accounting 和 data analytics is the ability to work with large sets of data. 从教育的角度来看, being able to work with large sets of data requires extensive knowledge 和 underst和ing in the field of statistics. 在很多情况下,作为数据分析专业人士, you will be called upon to use your analytical skills to evaluate business-related insights 和 how the company can use those insights to achieve their objectives.

最有幸运28计划, 无论你是会计还是数据分析专业人士, you will also be working with software like Microsoft Excel or Tableau. Both of these programs are considered an industry st和ard for any analytics professional.


An accountant will work almost exclusively with financial information within the company: revenue vs. 费用, 库存数量, 征收的销售税, 举几个例子, while a data analyst will have more breadth with the kind of data they are working with. 例如, 数据分析师可能会花时间研究市场趋势, compiling the current impact of a company product on the environment, 利用大数据进行预测建模, 审计数据收集过程, or even graphing the comparison between the company product 和 a competitor product.

While it is still possible in a data analytics position that you may work with your company’s financial data, your boundaries as a data analytics professional can be greater 和 you will have opportunities to pursue other interests.


Below is a list of possible positions you could potentially qualify for if you are considering 成为一名数据分析师:


If you have a passion for product development 和 how that product may impact a business’s current ventures, 那么你应该考虑成为一名市场研究分析师. A market research analyst studies consumers’ behavior 和 how a company might change its product 和/or marketing over time to attract new consumers.


作为一个运筹学分析师, your main objective within the company will be to solve complex business problems through the allocation of resources. While that might sound vague 和 cover a lot of potential objectives, it speaks more to your skills as a data analytics professional that’s able to work with complex, 不同的数据集,以实现期望的业务成果.


A man年龄ment consultant will help businesses find ways to improve efficiencies 和 cut costs with the ultimate goal of the company becoming more profitable over time. Not only will you need exceptional analytical 和 problem-solving skills, 但你也需要一个强大的商业背景. A position in man年龄ment consulting is also an excellent career path for 工商管理硕士 holders/seekers.

How can I switch educational tracks if I've already committed to accounting?

软件下载提供几种 数据分析学位课程 to help you build foundational knowledge 和 skills—with an emphasis on 资讯科技(IT) concepts. Each program offers you the opportunity to transfer in prior college credits.

现在的簿记员和工资会计可以考虑软件下载学士学位课程 (你最多可以转90个学分), while accountants who already hold a bachelor’s degree may prefer to pursue an 数据分析方向的工商管理硕士. 如果你是一名拥有硕士学位的会计, 例如注册会计师(CPA), 并希望转向基于数据分析的角色, 软件下载提供 邮政数据分析硕士证书 选项,您可以在短短8个月内完成.


It’s never too late to transition to the career path of your choosing.




*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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